I was raised as a witness in the 60's and 70's and to tell you the truth it was a hell of a lot of fun. We went camping in big groups in my Kingdom Hall 3 or 4 times a year. White water rafting. We had Sunday meetings outside at peoples homes (if they had big yards). There were big get togethers where they invited 3 or 4 congregations. As a child it was a lot of fun.
As a teenager it became much more difficult, because you had your heart pulling you one way and your head the other way. If I could go back I would do everything differently now. But that is true with just about everybody once they live life and see what worked and what did not work. I think it basically comes down to this: were you parents nuts? or did they have their head's on straight? I made my own bed. They were my decisions. I have nobody to been for my successes or failures but me. I wish I had a time machine. But I don't.
My father always told us kids the following: It's your life. Use your conscience and do what you think is right. I never felt I had a gun pointed to my head.